About Mclean Child Care

Fairfax County Approved Child Care Providers with CPR, AED and First Aid Certified. Your peace of mind is guaranteed!

Accepting Infants and Toddlers

Infants and Toddlers of all ages are welcome

Peace of Mind guaranteed

Parents receive a daily report card with a detailed summary of their Child\'s day

Latest posts

Make Sure Your Child Care Provider Gives Your Child Healthy Food

The Fairfax County Department of Family Services’ Office for Children encourages parents to help make sure their child care providers give their children healthy, nutritious food while parents are at work. The US Department of Agriculture sponsors the Child and Adult Care Food Program, a national initiative that helps millions of eligible children receive healthy […]

Choose a Child Care Provider With a Permit or License

An estimated 94,000 people move into Fairfax County each year, including more than 7,000 young children. New residents looking for child care provided in a home setting should note that Fairfax County family child care providers are required by law to have a county permit or a state license. “When visiting the home of a […]

Member of USDA Food Program

  • Promoting healthy habits in children at an early age
